Saturday, February 4, 2017


When your cat starts doing something you don’t like—such as scratching the furniture or peeing outside the litter box—it’s easy to become frustrated. We can help you resolve most cat behavior issues by explaining why your cat may be acting that way and giving you the tools to correct the behavior. 

You'll find out that most common behavior problems can be solved by making your cat feel safe, secure, and stimulated.

Why does my cat pee on the clothing ?

Cat has started peeing on my bed

How to stop cats spraying in the house

Cat behavior peeing outside litter box

There is a common misconception that cats urinate on their owners’ beds out of revenge or spite. In reality, urinating or defecating outside the litter box is usually caused by illness, anxiety, or problems with the litter box or litter.

The bed is often chosen by an anxious or ill cat because it’s a safe place, easy on the paws, and has the comforting scent of a beloved owner. Also, the cat may be trying to alert his owner to a serious psychological or physical problem, as the urine is sure to be noticed.

Reasons Why Cats Urinate on Beds

-Dirty litter box

-Recently changed box location or litter

-Bad litter box location

-Anxiety due to inter-cat aggression

-Other pets bother the cat while he uses the box

-Sensitive paws/preference for a softer surface : Try a finer-grained litter.

The three most common psychological issues that cause cats to go outside the box are litter-box-related trauma, territorial issues, change-related anxiety, and frightening events in other areas of the house.

                                         READ MORE ABOUT TO CAT 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

What Stops Cats Peeing In House

 Well, as promised here is my uncensored review of an eBook I recently purchased. This eBook deals with how to stop cat spraying. Note, if you’vcate arrived at this site looking for the official “Cat Spraying No More” website please click here to visit.

Okay then, lets dig in. To begin with I found the eBook very easy and quick to download. Payment is made through Click Bank which is a very secure platform for making credit card transactions. Click Bank is also PayPal friendly, I used PayPal to make my purchase.
What I liked about the eBook:
The primary thing I liked about Cat Spraying No More is the volume of helpful content. The author goes into a lot of detail about how to stop cat spraying problems.
What can I do to stop this behavior?

- Cat behavior peeing outside litter box.

- Cat has started peeing on my bed.
- Cat smell no more

A surprising thing I learned from this eBook is that

on average , one in ten domesticated cats have issues at some time in their lives with their litter box.

What Causes Spraying ?

Stress can be the cause of your cat spraying.
A point that stood out to me was the fact that once a cat has developed issues with their litter box you’re going to need to employ some prompt “cat smell no more and "cat psychology" to curtail the bad cat behavior. In other words you’re going to need some serious cat training to eliminate the cat urinating problem.

This eBook will help you to stop your cat spraying problems by helping you to identify why your cat has stopped using its litter box and peeing all over your house instead. Once the reason is identified you’re half way there to fixing the problem.
You will also learn how to clean cat urine the right way. Get this wrong and your cat will most likely continue to mess up your house.

What I didn’t like about the eBook

Well to be honest, I really only found one thing I didn’t personally like, and that was the occasional grammatical error.  But that’s all I can fault with this eBook.

Okay then, so would I recommend this eBook? Yes I would. I think that anyone having cat urinating problems would benefit from the pearls of wisdom found in its pages. My advise though would be to “take your time”reading through the content because there is some valuable stuff in there that you could miss if you’re a skim reader.

To read more about Cat Spraying No More Click This Link

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