Wednesday, January 18, 2017



Most cats learn from their mothers at a very young age to use a litter box, but recently-adopted stray or feral cats may not know how to use a litter box.[1] 

Sometimes even a well-trained cat may seem to "forget" and start relieving himself around the house.

 The reasons for this lapse in litter box training may vary from medical issues to simple tastes and preferences.[2]

 Whether you're training a recently-adopted cat who has never used a litter box, or are retraining your long-time cat to use the litter box, following some simple tips will help get your cat on the right path.

   1.  Choose a large litter box: 

A common cause of cats engaging in inappropriate elimination is that the litter box is too small for the cat. This is particularly important if your cat is still growing; a litter box that's on the snug side now may be far too small for his liking in a few months.Your cat will feel like he has more room, and he will be less likely to think it's too full too quickly.

  2.  Find a good location.

CATS have a natural instinct to bury their wastes, but if the litter box is inaccessible, your cat may look for other locations to relieve himself.Make it accessible and convenient.Do not set up a litter box near where you give your cat his food and water.Give your cat some peace and quiet. Most cats want a quiet, undisturbed place to eliminate wastes.Give him a quiet, low-traffic area that's still accessible and easy to find.  

  3.  Keep a clean litter box.

Once your cat has sufficiently learned where to eliminate, however, you should keep a clean litter box. In fact, a dirty litter box is one of the most common causes of cats eliminating outside the box.

4.  Teach him what to do.

If your cat never learned to use a litter box from his mother, you may need to show him how it's done. That doesn't mean actually using the litter box yourself; rather, you'll have to carry him to the litter box when he's about to eliminate, and teach him how to dig in the litter

  • Use a finger to scrape some litter aside until he learns by example. If your cat eliminates in the box but hasn't learned to bury it, use your finger to scoop a little litter on top of his waste. It will take time, but eventually he'll understand that you expect him to learn these behaviors.
  • When showing your cat how to dig and bury his waste, it's important that you use your own finger. If you grab his paw and try to "show" him how to dig and bury, it might frighten him or make him anxious, which can lead to litter box aversion over time.Just be patient, and trust that your cat will eventually learn to do it on his own.

5.  Never yell at your cat.


It's important to remember that your cat is not trying to cause problems.
Cats Spray or pee for various reasons.For example ,peeing is one way that the cats use to mark their territories.Cats pee as a way of showing affection .A cat that feels threatened,nervous or endangered will spray all over the palace .Furthermore, it is common to find cats peeing when either on heat or expectant.Understanding feline behavior is critical to the successful training of your cat 

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